oral health

Tooth Be Told: Dental Care Resources for Parents

From kid-friendly videos to dental trauma guidelines, the list below includes our favorite dental health resources for parents. Use the information and tips you find here to help your children develop great habits and create beautiful smiles that will last a lifetime! 2min2x.org This website helps parents encourage their children to brush for two minutes,

Bad Breath Blues: Tips and Tricks for Kids

Girl having Bad Breathing smell

Bad breath happens to all of us—even our healthy children—and it can be every bit as unpleasant and embarrassing for them, too. While the food they just ate (think garlic or onions) may be a contributing factor, it’s just as likely that other reasons are to blame for their bad breath blues. Offering mints or

Sink Your Teeth Into These Oral Care Guidelines

Girl Brushing teeth

As soon as the first tooth pokes through your child’s gums, you should begin to implement an oral care routine in the morning and evening. Every child is unique and responds to toothbrushing and flossing differently. You may encounter resistance from time to time as your child grows and develops personality, but the struggle will feel totally worth

Sweet Tips for Your Spooky Night

Halloween can be a seriously spooky holiday for moms and dads trying to teach their children how to live happy-but healthy-lives. Allowing your little superheroes, princesses and goblins some freedom, while instilling good habits, can feel incredibly overwhelming. Have no fear! If you follow the simple tips below, you’ll help your kids experience all of

Chew On This

Gum may actually support and promote good oral health. According to a recent study published in the journal PLOS One, chewing gum for up to 10 minutes can remove as much as 10 percent of the bacteria from your saliva. In addition to trapping bacteria, gum chewing dramatically increases saliva flow, which neutralizes acids, efficiently